Christian Bauer; 11/9/2003 |
NEW!!! have a look at the panotour builder, which is the next evolution of this script.
How to:
First you have to generate VrayImap helper objects all over the interior you later want to render. Every vrayimap helper have some settings to controll how the script will later render the node. This is the main part , because everything else in the script is hardcoded without a UI. When you run the script it will generate a freecam first, then it runs into a loop and places the camera to every dummy position it can find and render a spherical 360° panorama ..with that panorama you have all imap informations on all visible objects from this panorama.
The script will use YOUR rendersettings, so it's up to you how fine the imap is.
The generaterscript itself asks you first for the path and name of the panoramas and the for the path and name of the imap file.When finished i suggest you to use the generated imap together with the"add incremental to file" settings in the advanced GI settings.
btw, This is how you also can use the output:
Download vray_imap_generator (r 0.1)boxmaping
Download vray_imap_generator (r 0.2) spherical
Download vray_imap_generator (r 0.3) (15.9.2003)
w/ helper and saveoption
Download vray_imap_generator (r 0.35) (15.9.2003) w/ exclude from calc parameter
0.35: added a switch for excluding a node from calculation. (when
calculated then this switch will set automaticaly)
0.3: added the vrayhelper object ; added save to.. dialoge
0.2: changed to spherical mapping instead box ...vray *seems* to
distort the panorama correct now.
copy the script into your plugin or startup folder and customise your menu,
you will find the script in the lightbox category.
the next step:
i'm nearly finished with the main code for generating a panotour from
the nodes.. have a look at the first output .
Everything is nodebased, so you can use it to generate webpages for panoramas
made with the scanlinerenderer or any other third party rendere too.
this is at least postcardware
any questions: please ask in the lightbox
have fun with it!