Christian Bauer; 7/2003

The Goodies:


Here you will find the list of goodies which offers something to download:

// Maxscript: DofToy 0.4 ..virtual camera settings for max (13/03/2005)
This Toy is a hint for all 3dsmax users AND softwaredeveloper to start using and playing around with values from a real camera to setup Dof in 3dsmax...instead fakes or wrong Params offered by several renderers today!
This script uses the manual clipping feature from the maxcamera to show you only the sharp areas. Everything invisible would be blured by the real Lens. more

//Maxscripts: Fassadeblinds (12/04/2002)
This script is based on Jon Seagulls blinds script. With this script you can place blinds on a whole fassade and not only in one window. This can come handy!. more

//Maxscripts: lightgen importer (12/04/2002)
This script is very old, but i think it can be usefull for some of you. With this script you can import lightgen files..but not only import, you can change saturation and brightness. more

//the secret eScape of Light 0.3 ..a GUI for lightscape.
escape for lightscape

I'm really proud! This is my first software i wrote and it's perfect if you want to have a streamlined workflow with Lightscape. This tool is your control center over LSray, LSrad, LSrender, LSmerge and LS2vrml. This tool generates previews, let you change nearly all render settings and let you output real vrml models.
Download the Demo and donate something with payal and you will get the full version. >read more about eScape for lightscape

//Maxscripts: Panotour Builder
I finished a script which will generate a complete panoramatour with few mouseclicks: Generate panonodes, connect them and output to images and html files... it's really easy and works with most renderer. Only Finalrender seems to make troubles. more

//Virtual Vienna
virtual vienna This Project was a suprising success, not the project itself, but the "outtakes" i produced in capturing the downtown of Vienna. It's a panorama tour with abaout 30 panoramas and few of them included some hdri's. This was the beginning of the hdri library ->

Here you can find 1024x512px panorama images for download

//The Hdr image library
hdr lib When i realised, that the virtual vienna project was interresting because of the hdrs images, i decided to make them independend from the panorama tour. This library produced a lot of traffic and so i was very happy that Stéphane from offered me, to host them on his webspace. It produces still too much traffic so i will cut it down to few collections like sunny sky , clouded sky , interior, night... I hope this will solve most traffic issues.

Here you will find 256x128px hdr images for download


Future: A imagelibrary of textures and a soundlibrary




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// Projects: Lightbox / Renderchallenge [Sibenik |Sponza | Postsparkasse | Blochi's scene ] / virtual vienna
// Tutorials: From a Fisheye to a hdr skydome 2 / sythesising Hdrimages / Viz4 selfilluminated objects / tweaking Lightscape / creating Panoramas / creating hdr-enviroments /remove a photographer from a mirrorball / how to use mkhdr
// Goodies:
MxS:DoFToy / MxS:Fassadeblinds / MxS:lightgen importer / eScape for lightscape / MxS:Panotour builder / weekly Hdr / Hdri-library / 3dmodels*
// Siteinfo:
sitemap / about / How to contribute / Friends on the web / contact/

(c) / interpolation 2000-2003